Thursday, 25 July 2013

Very Amazing Essay Writing Tips (Part 1)

Essay writing should be a simple and fun process. Get some suggestions for effective essay writing.

This is the first part of a two part series on very amazing essay writing tips. Make sure you check the second part in a day’s time.

Very Amazing Essay Writing Tips (Part 1)

Is writing an essay a trial and error process? Absolutely not, but writing an essay can be frustrating, maddening process—though it does not have to be. Granted, writing an essay is supposed to be easy and even fun.
Brief overview of the very amazing essay writing tips

1)      Read through the question(s)
Providing a different answer to the question is a common mistake made by students.  Unfortunately, this is the main cause of a disappointing exam result. Answering the wrong question is like setting out on a journey but taking the wrong direction; it can be real disaster, right? You should, therefore, make sure you understand what the examiner wants.
Read through the questions, underline the key word and phrases, and identify the task words that tell what needs to be done, e.g ‘compare’, ‘contrast’, ‘discuss’ etc. Identify the topic words such as, ‘causes’, effects’, ‘benefits’ etc. These topic words, in most cases, indicate the particular subject of the essay. Remember also to identify limiting words such as, ‘Benefits of globalisation as shown in chapters 1 – 3’

2)      Research
Now that you have understood the question, begin the essay writing process by researching your topic. Make use of the academic databases, Internet, and the library and make yourself an expert. Make the research process more effective and easier by breaking the essay topic down into a series of research questions.
Remember to take notes and take note of the sources; as a matter of fact, the research questions you wrote would direct your reading and organise your note taking. While researching, be selective; that is, use only relevant and credible sources.

3)      Brainstorm ideas in response to the question
As you research and analyse the arguments of the essay you are reading, make note of any quotes or relevant evidence that come to mind. A great essay will require your own ideas; ask yourself questions and answer them. This is what is called genuine essay writing brilliance—coming up with original insights to write about.
The information you collect—data and ideas—adds flesh to the bones of your argument: it forms the back up of your points. So you should ensure the information you are gathering is credible, solid and can be supported with facts (not myths).

4)      Develop a thesis
A thesis is an idea or argument that encapsulates the response to the question; simply put, it’s a statement that expresses the overall response to the question. Do not write a thesis that is too simplistic. This shows that thought has been put behind the question. As such, it forms the backbone of the essay. But how do you write a good thesis? Simple, pick your best idea and write a clear statement that you can write your entire essay is around.

That’s all for today, be sure to check the second part—coming soon. The second part includes the outline, introduction, paragraphs and conclusion. In addition, we will cover how to write the body of the essay and discuss the stylistic aspect of it. There are much more, so do not miss out.
With over 5 years experience in the writing industry, James is a freelance essay writer; he offers essay writing services at affordable rates. Hire his essay writing service and your essays will never be the same again. In addition, feel free to contact him with questions, compliments or even complains; he will be happy to help

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